NMNEC Program Evaluation Committee
Generally meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at 3:30-5pm via Zoom – email staff@nmnec.org to join the conversation
Committee provides program evaluation for the purposes of managing and improving system operations and outcomes pertaining to the NMNEC curriculum. The committee’s responsibilities include:
- Develop and implement an evaluation process that ensures a systematic program approach to continuing quality improvement that is consistent with NMNEC goals
- Ensure that program evaluation information is collected and organized
- Research, review, and report evaluation activities to the NMNEC membership and stakeholders
- Provide the NMNEC membership with recommendations based on the evaluation information related to program operations and outcomes
In addition, each member functions as a liaison between own school faculty and NMNEC re: NMNEC program evaluation topics.

Co-Chair, Nikki May, New Mexico State University

Co-Chair, Anne Reines, Santa Fe Community College