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Amendment to NMNEC Progression Policy for 2020 Spring Approved

In response to requests for flexibility in student progression related to the abrupt changes in course delivery caused by COVID-19, NMNEC Leadership Council and NMNEC Curriculum Member Programs approved an amendment to the NMNEC Progression Policy. This amendment is...

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NMNEC Curriculum Exemplars Alphabetical List Now Available

There is a new NMNEC Curriculum Document available that alphabetically lists the concept exemplars. The corresponding concept and course is listed for each exemplar. This is a NMNEC faculty resource that can be useful to quickly locate where a specific topic...

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Announcing NMNEC Level Sharing Meetings

During the NMNEC Virtual Statewide Faculty Meeting on April 13, 2020, the idea of having informal sharing meetings via Zoom by level was proposed and supported. The purpose of these meetings is for faculty who are teaching in these levels at the NMNEC Curriculum...

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Goodbye to NMNEC Program Coordinator, Julie Torres

Julie Torres, NMNEC Program Coordinator, has stepped down from this position and has started a new position in the Anthropologoy Department on the main campus of the University of New Mexico. NMNEC wishes her well and wants to say one last Thank You for all she did to...

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